Modified King's Court

Tactical Problem: Passing to a target accurately within a given space.  Placing ball in opponents space so as to score points. Positioning yourself in relation to your teammates.
Skill development: Forearm passing skills, body positioning in relation to ball and teammates, attacking to score.

Teaching Points:
Pass ball high for time, which will allow teammates to get into a good position. 
Re-emphasize correct body position: flat arm platform, bent knees, shift body weight forward when passing ball, face to target.

Organizational Points: 
  • Groups of three verses three.
  • Divide volleyball courts vertically in half.
  • Winners of game move up a court bumping the less fortunate team down.
  • Regular volleyball rules, or to simplify allow one bounce between passes.


  • Games to five points
  • Whether or not to incorporate the one-bounce rule.
  • Shorten or lengthen court to even the playing field (different skill levels).